Our Merchant Services Can Save You Time and Money

As your small-town bank and fellow local business, we understand how hard you work to make your company a success. Anything that can save you time and help you manage your business transactions can help you stay focused on the tasks that will help you grow your business.

This is why Lake Region Bank offers more than a dozen business services to its commercial banking customers. Among these perks are our profitable and cost-effective merchant services.

Merchant Services with SHAZAM

Lake Region Bank has partnered with SHAZAM to offer businesses dependable and affordable merchant card processing services. Our merchant services program through SHAZAM can provide point-of-sale terminals, daily settlement reporting, and 24-hour help desk support.

Our team can provide you with card processing devices to process your sales and terminal support service to make sure your business stays up and running. If your business depends on daily transactions, our merchant services can help you process those transactions efficiently.

Business Debit and Credit Cards

If you’re looking for a solution to help manage your expenses and cash flow, Lake Region Bank may have a debit or credit card solution for you. Use your debit card to access your Lake Region Bank commercial checking account for all sorts of business expenses, from travel and restaurants to business supplies. We can issue individual cards to your employees with a daily spending limit, too.

Business credit cards are another great tool to manage your business expenses. Our business credit cards have low introductory rates and flexible rewards as well as a free online card management tool.  Add employee cards with spending limits for no additional fee. And, there is the added benefit of zero fraud liability for any unauthorized transactions.

Want to enhance your ability to accept payments while spending less on your point-of-sale technology? Lake Region Bank can help. Our team can explain our merchant services offerings to you so you can make the right choice for your business. Get in touch with our team today.

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Finance your kitchen, bathroom or exterior renovations with the help of a Lake Region Bank home improvement loan option.